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One of the most widely observed Jewish rituals is the lighting of a candle and saying the Mourner’s Kaddish on the yahrzeit of a loved one.  Though the literal translation of the Yiddish word yahrzeit means “time of year,” it is understood to refer to the anniversary on the Hebrew calendar of an individual’s death.

At our weekly  services,  the yahrzeit list for that week is read. The list includes names of people whose yahrzeit falls from that Saturday through the following Friday.

Honor your loved one’s memory by purchasing a Yahrzeit plaque. Yahrzeit plaques are displayed on Memorial Boards in our Small Sanctuary (Beit Midrash).  To purchase a Yahrzeit plaque, please click here  to fill out our on-line form.

This Week's Yahrzeits include:


July 25 | 19 Tammuz


July 26 | 20 Tammuz


July 27 | 21 Tammuz


July 28 | 22 Tammuz

Isador Taub


Abraham I Caplan

Samuel Daum

Philip Goldblatt

Lottie Strauss 

Bella Marram Silton

Howard Bernstein

Anna Larner


July 29 | 23 Tammuz


July 30  | 24 Tammuz


July 31 | 25 Tammuz


August 1 | 26 Tammuz

Rachel Petrushka Caplan

Irene S Goldman

Jena Kronowitt

Harry Michelson

Etta Scott Nadel

Thelma Tillie Pearlman

Andrew Bryan Simon

Isaac Zeiger

Louis Gingold

Dr Julian Laub

Charles Lieberman

Joseph Margolis

Joel Mauer

Naomi Rivkind

Miriam Rosenfeld

Max Taub

David Axelrod

Dora Gepner

Mary Paley

Aaron Patack

Isadore Tolokonsky

Harriet Frances Crystal

Robert Freedman

Bernice (Bunny) Kahn

Gussie Larner

Mark Levine

Dr. Herman Tilman

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784