One of the most widely observed Jewish rituals is the lighting of a candle and saying the Mourner’s Kaddish on the yahrzeit of a loved one. Though the literal translation of the Yiddish word yahrzeit means “time of year,” it is understood to refer to the anniversary on the Hebrew calendar of an individual’s death.
At our weekly services, the yahrzeit list for that week is read. The list includes names of people whose yahrzeit falls from that Saturday through the following Friday.
Honor your loved one’s memory by purchasing a Yahrzeit plaque. Yahrzeit plaques are displayed on Memorial Boards in our Small Sanctuary (Beit Midrash). To purchase a Yahrzeit plaque, please click here to fill out our on-line form.
This Week's Yahrzeits include:
Thursday September 26 | 23 Elul |
Friday September 27 | 24 Elul |
Saturday September 28| 25 Elul |
Sunday September 29 | 26 Elul |
Morris Rockowitz Mayer Safran Jules Smuckler Louis Strosberg |
David Gisser Aaron Goldstein Minnie Kornitsky |
Milton N. Kaplan |
Irwin Feinroth Anna Margolius Louise Klein Roth |
Monday September 30 | 27 Elul |
Tuesday October 1 | 28 Elul |
Wednesday October 2 | 29 Elul |
Thursday October 3 | 1 Tishrei |
Benjamin Abrams Mollie Greenberg Sidney Richter |
Sydel Krakower Dora Tauber Anna Weiss |
Gilbert Boyar Adelaide Meyers Harry Sheber Harry Trager |
Alan R Freedman Isaac Obodov Ralph Palatsky Eugene Rapp |