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Jewish Enrichment Programs

Temple Israel will now be offering a $180 voucher/per child* to our families who have children attending a USCJ/Rabbi approved Jewish Education Supplemental Program (Agudat Achim, B'Yachad, Beth Emeth, etc.) during our one-year transition period to find the best opportunity for our families.

Please feel free to reach out to executive director Rachael Schertzer or our education chairs, Jessie Reinhardt and Gary Ginsburg to discuss our efforts further.

**Please note Temple Israel has resources available for our full-members to help defray the costs of Supplemental Jewish Education programs.**

Virtual Options

TI's & Beth El's Jewish Enrichment Program

  • Top quality educators teaching a new, exclusive and resonant curriculum. 
  • A flexible schedule designed for busy family life .
  • Courses that feature hobbies and interests while teaching Jewish literacy.
  • Confident B’nei Mitzvah students & graduates who can flex their skills beyond the synagogue.

Email Rachael for more information.

JCP (Jewish Community Project) 

JCP’s Hebrew School Project (HSP) is our after-school experiential Jewish education program for students in grades K to 5.

  •  Integrated approach to activate a child’s love to draw, sing, play, pretend, imagine, create, problem solve, and share while learning about Judaism and developing their own sense of Jewish identity.
  • Through Jewish stories and traditions, students can draw connections between Jewish thought and their own lives.
  • By identifying central themes and ethical messages within the Torah and integrating those into their everyday, students gain the ability to make choices based on Jewish ethics and values.

Click here to learn more.

In-Person options

Agudat Achim  Religious School

  • Inspire and nurture a lifelong love of Jewish life and learning.
  • Impart our heritage and tradition through study.
  • Teach skills necessary to practice Judaism in accordance with the Conservative movement.
  • Provide skills and knowledge essential for participation in Shabbat, holiday, and life cycle events.
  • Develop an in-depth knowledge and love of the State of Israel and a commitment to its existence.
  • Transmit a sense of responsibility for the worldwide Jewish community and the world through the mitzvot and Tikkun Olam.

Click here for important dates and prices.

Click here for the full calendar.

B'Yachad  Religious School

  •  Dynamic education that supports  students learning 
  • Various hands on enrichment programs engaging children's creative sides. 
  • Diverse curriculum including: Torah, T'filliah, Hebrew, holidays and traditions,  Israel, ethics and values, music, Israeli dance, and art.
  • Provides opportunities to learn, grow and experience Judaism with their whole bodies and all their hearts.
  •    All classes meet Sunday mornings from 9:30-12:30 and for grades 2-7, on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 pm.

Click here to learn more.

Beth Emeth's  Religious School

  • At the Einhorn Center for Jewish Education, the greatest reflection of the quality of our programming is in the smiles and happiness of our students!
  • With a spirited academic and culturally enriching program that is delivered to meet the needs of all learners in grades K-10, our students develop a lifelong love of Judaism!
  • Our programming also includes "Arba for Fours class,"  two Sundays a month .
  • We make learning fun with art, music, dance, technology, cooking, a lending library, junior choir, Hebrew enrichment, gaga and so much more.

Click here to learn more.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784