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L'Chaim, Laughter & Legacy - Thursday, May 8, 6:00 PM

We are excited to celebrate TI's Diamond (75th) Anniversary at our
L'Chaim, Laughter & Legacy Gala on Thursday, May 8, 6:00 PM!

honoring: Cantor Rogerio Marx on his Chai (18th) Anniversary with us and our Legacy Members!
featuring: the one and only comedian Benji Lovitt!

Join us in celebration or take out an ad honoring Cantor Marx and to celebrate TI's anniversary.

You may use this form to sign up as a sponsor, purchase tickets to the Gala or submit a Journal Ad.



Our sponsorship's for the Gala are as follows:

Diamond $10,000: Admit 10, Full Page Diamond Ad , 4 Raffle Tickets, Inclusion on TI Listings
Pearl $5,000: Admit 8, Full Page Pearl Ad, 4 Raffle Tickets, Inclusion on TI Listings
Gold $2,500: Admit 4, Full Page Gold Ad , 2 Raffle Tickets, Inclusion on TI Listings
Silver $1,800: Admit 4, Full Page Silver Ad, 2 Raffle Tickets, Inclusion on TI Listings
Bronze $1,000: Admit 4, Full Page Bronze Ad, 2 Raffle Tickets, Inclusion on TI Listings
Non- Profit Community Partner $500: Admit 2, Half Page  Ad, Inclusion on TI Listings

$180 /Inidividual Honorary Committee or $360 /Honorary Couple ( includes attendance)

$100 /Ticket
$75 /Ticket under 40

Please list individuals name who has the restriction.

The Ad Journal will be an online publication with a printed copy for each table at the Gala:

$750: Full Page Ad (4.75" w x 7.75"h)
$500: Half Page Ad (4.75" w x 3.75"h)
$250: Quarter Page Ad (2.25" w x 3.75"h)
$125: Eighth Page Ad (2.25" w x 3.25"h)
$36: Milestone Message*

*Send in a short 5 second Mazel Tov video or 2 line well wisher.

We would also love a short 5-8 second video Mazel Tov message for the cantor or the synagogue emailed over to!

Please check the box if you are a part of our TI Double Chai Legacy Club.


Wed, February 19 2025 21 Shevat 5785