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Passover 5784

Registration for Passover services is encouraged but not required for non-TI members. Please join us!

Fast of the First Born: Monday, April  22
Siyyum & light breakfast after morning minyan
(8:00 AM in person and on Zoom

Do you need somewhere to go for the Seders, or are you looking to host some guests? You can participate in our Seder Connection, and we will do our best to pair you together for this Passover season.


Don't forget to sell your chametz!
Forms are due by Friday, April 19!


Yizkor prayers will be part of our service on Tuesday, April 30.

Request a copy of our Book of Remembrance

Bedikat Chametz: A Jewish Scavenger Hunt



"On the evening of the fourteenth [of Nisan], one searches for chametz by the light of a candle [or, lamp]." (Pesachim 2a)

Searching for chametz - bedikat chametz - is a mitzvah for the evening before the first Seder. Someone in the house places ten pieces of chametz (such as bread, crackers, or cereal) in areas where chametz might normally be found. Someone in the house - ideally a different person, if there is one - says a blessing ( bedikat chametz), then "searches" and collects the chametz using a lit candle or lamp (usually a flashlight). This can be a fun activity for kids! One tradition, illustrated here, is to use a feather to sweep the chametz into a wooden spoon. (See below for information about getting a kit!) But a napkin and paper plate are also perfectly fine; the goal is to have whatever touches the chametz be flammable.

At the end of the search, the chametz and anything that touched it are set aside, ready to be burnt in the morning. The final step is to recite a declaration nullifying any chametz that you missed. In the morning, you should recite a blessing for burning chametz ( biur chametz), then burn your chametz and recite another declaration that any chametz you missed is nullified.

Click here for a printable version of the blessings and declarations from Exploring Judaism.

Click here for a catchy kids' song about bedikat and biur chametz: "Feather, Candle, & Spoon" by Eliana Light.

Thanks to the Men's Club, copies of the Rabbinical Assembly Passover Guide and bedikat chametz kits are available in the synagogue office. Come in during office hours and pick one up!


Passover Happenings

Hametz Hunt for kids 4/7.

Passover food will be prepared by 518Kosher at Temple Israel under the Vaad HaKashruth.

Click here to order by 4/15.

By appointment only.
Click here for more information.

Yahrzeit Plaques

Passover, the holiday most rich with traditions and family memories, is one of the four occasions when we recite Yizkor prayers (on the eighth day of Passover). As we recall our loved ones who have passed, it may bring comfort to know that a Yahrzeit plaque, placed in our small sanctuary, acts as a permanent memorial. Those who have plaques are remembered annually on their Yahrzeit, as an El Malei prayer and Kaddish are said in their memory. If you wish to order a Yahrzeit plaque for a family member, this is a great time to start the process so that it can be dedicated this coming Yom Kippur. To purchase a Yahrzeit plaque and help support our congregation, you can contact the office or fill out this form


Wed, December 4 2024 3 Kislev 5785